Category Archives: Fun

Finnish Baseball (Pesäpallo)

In the early 20th century, a Finnish man named Lauri “Tahko” Pihkala sought to create a distinctive game that would resonate with his fellow Finns.

Drawing inspiration from American baseball, Pihkala devised the basis of Pesäpallo, a sport that would soon capture the hearts of the nation.

This is the field:

Pesapallo field

The pitcher stands next to the batter and throws the ball straight up.
If the batter hits it, he runs to his left to 1st base, then back to the right for 2nd.  Crossing back over, he will get to 3rd (which is a score).
If he runs home, that is an additional score.

Astronomy Picture of the Day

Farrago Friday
farrago, [fuh-rah-goh, -rey-] noun. a confused mixture; hodgepodge; medley

Courtesy of NASA at

Jupiter over 2 Hours and 30 Minutes
Image Credit & License: Aurélien Genin
Explanation: Jupiter, our Solar System’s ruling gas giant, is also the fastest spinning planet, rotating once in less than 10 hours. The gas giant doesn’t rotate like a solid body though. A day on Jupiter is about 9 hours and 56 minutes long at the poles, decreasing to 9 hours and 50 minutes near the equator. The giant planet’s fast rotation creates strong jet streams, separating its clouds into planet girdling bands of dark belts and bright zones. You can easily follow Jupiter’s rapid rotation in this sharp sequence of images from the night of January 15, all taken with a camera and small telescope outside of Paris, France. Located just south of the equator, the giant planet’s giant storm system, also known as the Great Red Spot, can be seen moving left to right with the planet’s rotation. From lower left to upper right, the sequence spans about 2 hours and 30 minutes.


Achieving Inner Peace

Dad puts on 260 t-shirts after son asks him if he can set a record

The most t-shirts worn at once is 260, and was achieved by Ted Hastings (Canada) in Kitchener, Ontario, Canada, on 17 February 2019.

The idea came after Ted was looking through Guinness World Records 2019 with his children, Avery, 14, and William, 11, when his young son asked him whether he could set an official Guinness World Records title.

Seeing this as a great opportunity to teach his children an important lesson about hard work, commitment, and follow through, Ted replied optimistically and set out to transform this idea into a reality.

Ted wore shirts ranging from medium up to 20X to break the Guinness World Records title, and hoped to raise money for a school playground.

Charles County Fair

I was asked to make the tees for the Charles County Fair Volunteers. This year’s Fair is sponsored by Waldorf Chevy-Cadillac ( and will take place from Thursday, September 13 until Sunday, September 16, 2018.

Safety Green or Neon Yellow?The volunteers will be very visible, as they wanted Safety Green tees. Some people will see these tees as Safety Green while others will see them as Neon Yellow. As a matter of fact, those two colors are actually the same color!

Here are this year’s designs:

Charles County Fair heart

Charles County Fair heart

Charles County Fair full back

Charles County Fair full back










If you want more information about the Fair, please visit

Signature Designs

The John Hanson Middle School Band played a festival at Hershey Park.  They called it Trills and Thrills.

For this design, I dropped off a special template and a Sharpie.  After all the kids signed the template, I picked it up and turned it into a one-of-a-kind custom tee, complete with all their signatures!

These tees work best for smaller groups (under 100) and I’ve used them for graduating classes, band trips, and sports teams.

JHMS Band Trip

JHMS Band Trip

2017 TSHS Car Show

The 2017 Thomas Stone High School Car Show will be held rain or shine (hopefully, the latter!) on Saturday, May 6.  I made some “Registration” and “Judge” tees:

Car Show Judge back

Car Show Judge front

Car Show Registration

2017 TSHS Car Show

Signature Tees!

Signature tees are great for graduates, class trips, sports teams, and more!   I have over 50 different template that  can be customized — in terms of colors, words, and clip art.  Pick the one you want and I will deliver the template with a Sharpie.  Get all your students, etc to sign the template.  When done, I will pick it up and convert it into a unique and memorable tee!

Kinda like this…

Malcolm Class of 2017 back Malcolm Class of 2017 front
front of tee back of tee


And here is a sample of some of the signature design templates:

Signature Tees

Hide the women and children!

The 21st Annual Brothers-in-Law Getaway Weekend (BILGW21) is here!

This year, the hooligans will travel to Cambridge, MA to watch the Harvard – Rhode Island football game.  Then, a hop, skip, and a jump up to Mashpee for a nice game of full-contact golf.

As usual, there will be plenty of good food, cold beer, and laughter.

Have fun, gentlemen, and have a beer for me!

To order your commemorative tees, hoodies and/or polo (you need a colored shirt for golf), head on over to


front heart back

Hello, September!

Hello, September! It’s great to see you again… I’m really looking forward to seeing your artwork.