Daily Archives: March 19, 2014

Chickens are people, too…

If you know me, you know I have a sense of humor that is a bit off-kilter. Frequently, my lovely wife and I are on different strata in terms of humor and she often says that she has 4 kids — 3 and me.

Maybe that explains why she isn’t the biggest fan of the shirt I just made. Sorry, honey… I plan on wearing this in public. 🙂

Be the change that you wish to see in the world

Be the change that you wish to see in the world

Congratulations to my college-bound daughter!

I cannot believe how time flies when you’re having fun. Or, in the case of parents, I cannot believe how time flies while you are cleaning, making dinner, washing dishes, laundry, trucking the kids to sports and school events, nagging your kids to do homework, and all the other items included in the past-time known as parenthood.

It seems like just yesterday when she was graduating from Children’s Corner with her friends.

On to kindergarten!

On to kindergarten!

Now, she has accepted to Susquehanna University in beautiful Selinsgrove, PA. To celebrate her achievement (and as a birthday gift), I made her a hoodie. It’s a heavy-weight fleece, weighing in at a hefty 12 ounces — because it gets cold in PA!

Susquehanna, home of the Crusaders

Susquehanna, home of the Crusaders

Congrats and lots of love!!